Safe and Secure

The safety of our students is a responsibility we take very seriously here at Trinity. In order to ensure their physical safety, we operate a secure entrance during the school day in which all visitors need to be buzzed in and then check in at the office before being allowed to enter the area of the school where the classrooms are located. During recess our teachers not only watch over the children at play, but also scan the road and sidewalks for potential dangers.

Our students are not only watched over for their physical safety but also for the social and emotional safety. As we live out Jesus’ command to “[So in everything,] do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12) it is with Jesus’ encouragement, following his perfect example, and fulfilling the desire to show love and thanks to God we expect all students to treat each other with Christian love.

Additionally, to keep our students safe from outside influences, we have safeguards in place with our technology.  We prevent unwanted and harmful material from being digitally accessed or forcefully imposed upon our students through a variety of tools.