

Enrolling your child at Trinity is easy

Trinity School enrolls children in Three year-old Preschool through 8th Grade.  Please note that Trinity School does not discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, color, ethnic origin, gender, or handicap. We provide a safe and nurturing environment for all children.

If you would like assistance with enrolling your child or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 952-873-6320 or by email at

Blessings to you and your family!


Three simple steps for academic excellence

Click the STUDENT APPLICATION button below to get started!


Tuition is affordable, and help is available.

At Trinity, we believe that every child deserves a Christian education.  If you want your child to receive a high-quality Christian education, we will work with you to make sure that happens.

Trinity offers

  1. Continuous Enrollment: Down-payments for the following school occur in April. The down-payment consists of 1/12 of the following year’s tuition rate. All subsequent payments are based on which payment plan you choose:
    • Annual, Semi-Annual, 9-month, or 12-month
  2. Discounts:
    • New K-8 Families to Trinity will receive ½ price K-8 tuition for 1st child.  An additional discount of 10% for 2nd child and 15% for 3rd child will be applied
    • Current Families receive a K-8 discount of 10% for 2nd child, and 15% for 3rd child
  3. Financial Aid available for qualified families


Pay tuition online easily and conveniently.

We use FACTS for online enrollment and tuition payment. For any help on navigating on their site or setting up your account, please feel free to contact them.

FACTS Parent Support
Tuition payment plan: 866.441.4637
Financial aid application: 866.315.9262