Trinity Lutheran School has a rigorous program of academic study for children in Preschool through 8th Grade. We meet and exceed Minnesota State Academic Standards. At Trinity, we are deeply committed to providing an outstanding curriculum where each student achieves the knowledge and skills to pursue future educational goals. Skills learned at Trinity prepare children for today and tomorrow.

Trinity’s curriculum prepared me for high school and college both spiritually and academically. Trinity’s focus on God’s Word everyday helped prepare me for every situation in high school and college. Learning to pray to God through all things, and dig deeper in his Word to find hope and comfort is something that helped prepare me for every hardship and joy I have faced through my high school and now college years. Academically, Trinity’s curriculum couldn’t have prepared me better for classes in high school and college. It challenged me as a student to think at high levels, and with the help of the teachers, I was able to succeed both in grade school and to this day. Trinity’s use of differentiated instruction to help all students’ succeed was especially beneficial to me. I, personally, was able to take higher level math classes so I could continue to challenge myself and get an education that could better equip me for my future. Trinity’s curriculum is something that I look back on and am very thankful for. I was well prepared to take on higher level studies, and I continue to use knowledge given to me to this day.
Haleigh W.
Former Student