February 20-22

We have a short week and spirit week coming up next week. I wonder which of those two the students are more excited for.  For Spirit Week, the dress up days have been decided.  On Tuesday the students should dress for tropical/beach day.  On Wednesday the 3rd graders are supposed to dress up as super heroes and the 4th graders will dress up at villains.  Then on Thursday it will be Red and White (Trinity) day.  Please note that on Wednesday there is P.E. so please make sure your student can still participate safely in P.E. with their costume.   Also, if you students come with shorts for Tuesday they will need some pants that they can slip on before going outside.


Next week we will not be having a spelling test.  Rather, we will take the opportunity to work more on our handwriting during the week.  Other than that, we should have a quiet week in the classroom.


Have you checked out our new website yet?  When you go to the usual Trinity website and click on school, you will be forwarded on to the new and improved school website.  As you are viewing the website, if you see something missing that you used to use, or find a dead link, please let me know.  As you may be able to guess, putting together a new website for a whole school is no small task and hiccups along the way are expected.  Our volunteers have put in a great deal of time and effort already and I think it looks great!




Here are some important dates for your calendar.


Monday, February 19         No School

Friday, February 23            No School (MLC Tournament)

Sunday, March 4                   Kids vs. Parents Basketball Game @ 1 p.m.

Friday, March 9                     Family Fun Night @ 6:30

March 12-16                             Lutheran Schools Week

Friday, March 16                   Grandparents/Special Person Day

Play @ 7 p.m.

Friday, March 23                  Trinity Spelling Bee

End of 3rd Quarter

March 26-April 2                   No School


As always, if you have any questions about things going on please feel free to ask.

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