Can you believe that it will be November already?! Time sure does fly by when you are busy.
Next week will be another busy week in the classroom with lessons, tests, and a science lab. There will be an English test on Wednesday that will include the prepositions, object of propositions, propositional phrases, and the correct usage of a/an. On Friday, the fourth-graders will have a math test in addition to the usual Spelling test.
In Science, we will be spending a couple of days discovering the adaptations that God created specific animals with so that they can thrive in their environment. Then, the students will continue to work with that same animal, move it into a new environment, and decide what new adaptations it will need to continue to thrive.
We are getting closer and closer to the end of chapter 1 in Social Studies. Please keep encouraging your child to work on those vocabulary flashcards at home. Learning 5-10 a night would be a great plan as this chapter has A LOT of vocabulary words that will keep coming up throughout the year.
Tomorrow is the last day to take A.R. tests for this month’s goal. When we come back to school on Monday, all tests taken will be part of the November goal.
In third and fourth grade, we use rulers on a fairly regular basis in math class, and we measure both using the U.S. customary and metric system. Please make sure your child has this important tool ready to use.
Here are some important dates for your calendar.
Monday, November 2 PTO @ 6:30
Friday, November 6 End of 1st Quarter
Scholastic Book Orders Due
Wednesday, November 11 Report Cards go home
November 16-18 Parent-Teacher Conferences
Friday, November 20 Pointsettia/Christmas Greens Pick up @ 3:15-6:00 in Narthex
Tuesday, November 24 Picture Retake Day
November 25-27 No School-Thanksgiving Break
December 23-January 3 No School- Christmas Break
Monday, January 4 School Resumes