The first field trip is in the book, and the students had a great time seeing, hearing, and experiencing the people’s ways in the 1850s.
Don’t forget, next week Wednesday is a field trip for the 5th-grade students only. Once again, please ensure your student is dressed appropriately for being outside, in a Trinity shirt (if you have one), and that they have a lunch and water bottle. The students will have a religion lesson in the morning before they leave for their trip and we will also have about an hour’s worth of learning at the end of the day.
If you are planning to order Hot Lunch during October, please make sure your Hot Lunch form is returned to school by tomorrow. Please do not send payment, as you will be billed at the end of the month.
This coming week the fourth graders will have a math test on Thursday. On Friday, the students will have their first Science test and the unit 4 spelling test.
Has your child reached their A.R. goal yet? Fourth graders need to earn four points, and fifth graders need to earn five points each month. So far, five students have earned their points, and another four students are on their way.
Here are some important dates for your calendar.
Friday, September 23 Hot Lunch Forms due
Wednesday, September 28 Outdoor Ed (5th-Grade)
Sunday, October 2 All School Song @ 9 a.m.
October 10-12 Wolf Ridge (5th Grade)
Saturday, October 15 Harvest Festival 3-6 p.m.
October 20-21 No School (MEA)