This sure has been a different week with several students traveling, and now everyone is back, and we are trying to quickly wrap up NWEA testing. Oh, and next week will be no different with the short week. I keep trying to avoid mentioning the short week in the classroom to keep the student focused on the work at hand.
Please note that only the 5th graders will have spelling assignments and a test this week. In addition to the 5th-grade-only spelling test, the fourth graders will have a math test on Wednesday.
We are just about halfway through the month. How is your child doing on reaching their A.R. goals? So far, seven have surpassed their goal, and another four have earned some points.
Say Cheese! Don’t forget that tomorrow, Friday, is school picture day.
Here are some important dates for your calendar.
Friday, October 14 School Pictures
Saturday, October 15 Harvest Festival 3-5:30 p.m.
October 20-21 No School (MEA)
Tuesday, November 1 PTO @ 6:30
Friday, November 4 End of First Quarter
November 14-16 Parent/Teacher Conferences