February 27 – March 3

You know how sometimes you lay down in bed and then suddenly think of things you forgot to do? Well, that happened to me last night. Suddenly it dawned on me that I had never sent my usual weekly email. That’s what happens when I get out of a routine. So, my apologies for its late arrival.

This next week, I may be doing some things out of their usual order to give the students the best learning chances as we recoup from last week’s snow days. So, at this time, I am planning on a 5th-grade math test on Tuesday, along with the next Social Studies test. On Thursday, the fourth graders will have an English and math test. The usual spelling test will be on Friday again. Also, please note that Wednesday’s assignments are light to help the students complete as much at school as possible since Junior Choir is scheduled to sing at the 7 p.m. church service that night.

This week, the students will start to build a balloon-powered car in science. I will be giving them a balloon, and their job is to create a car out of things that they have at home with the hopes of their car traveling farther than anyone else’s. They could use cardboard, legos,  anything round for wheels, or parts from other toys…the sky is the limit.   The only rule is that they can not use a kit or another prebuilt car. I want them to use their creativity and apply what they learned from studying Newton’s three laws of motion and the forces that either aid or inhibit motion. So, start brainstorming the materials you have around home and plan to send them to begin building on Wednesday.

Did you notice that February ends this week? How is your student doing on A.R.? 12 students have hit their goal.

Since the students didn’t have a chance to do the book drawing last week, please send their calendars Monday morning.

The next Scholastic book order is coming home this week. If you would like to order, please have them submitted by Friday morning.

Update! On March 5, our classroom will be singing in church, and it is our turn to host coffee hour following church.   We needed to provide the snacks, make the coffee, and then clean up. In the past, I had asked each family to provide a dozen or a pan of something and that provides enough food.

Here are some important dates for your calendar.

Wednesday, March 1                        Jr. Choir Sings @ 7 p.m. service

Friday, March 3                                 Scholastic Book Orders Due

Sunday, March 5                               4-5 Sings & hosts coffee hour

Friday, March 10                               Trinity Spelling Bee @ 1 p.m.

Sunday, March 12                             All School Song

Monday 13-17                                    Lutheran Schools Week

Thursday, March 16                          End of 3rd Quarter

Friday, March 17                               Grandparent/Special Person Day

                                                            Skit Night @ 6:30

March 18-26                                       Spring Break

Monday, March 27                            School Resumes

Thursday, March 30                          Joint Choir rehearsal for Palm Sunday 6:30-6:50

Sunday, April 2                                 Jr. Choir Sings

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and ask.