March 6-10

Thank you to those who came last night for the Junior Choir song. The students did an excellent job. Don’t forget that our classroom sings this Sunday in addition to hosting coffee hour. Please consider beginning a dozen of something to share. You can drop it off in the kitchen before the service. Then after the service, I think it would be great for the students to help with the service. They could help carry food to a table for the folks with their hands full of other things (kids, canes, etc.)  Once everyone is done, we will need to do the dishes and clean up the gym to prepare it for Monday morning.

Today will be the last in-class building day for the balloon cars. We will be testing them next Wednesday. Remember, the goal is for the car to travel as far as possible on one balloon fill-up.

The next Scholastic book order is due tomorrow. If you would like to order, please have them submitted by Friday morning.

This next week, we will stray a bit from our usual classroom routine. The fourth graders will wrap up their current novel. There will be a fifth-grade math test on Thursday in addition to the usual spelling test on Friday. Additionally, we will take more time to work on our classroom play for Grandparent’s Day/Skit Night. Since we will be more focused on this, there is a higher chance that assignments may change on the fly. As always, please keep an eye on your child’s planner, which should always have the most up-to-date information.

I was hoping to be able to report who would be representing our class in next Friday’s spelling bee. However, we had a few students out yesterday, and I could not do the spelling test to determine our representatives. Watch for an additional email (hopefully on Friday) reporting our classroom’s spellers.

Here are some important dates for your calendar.

Friday, March 3                                 Scholastic Book Orders Due

Sunday, March 5                               4-5 Sings & hosts coffee hour

Friday, March 10                               Trinity Spelling Bee @ 1 p.m.

                                                            Fine Arts Fair @ 6 p.m.

Sunday, March 12                             All School Song

Monday 13-17                                    Lutheran Schools Week

Thursday, March 16                          End of 3rd Quarter

Friday, March 17                               Grandparent/Special Person Day

                                                            Skit Night @ 6:30

March 18-26                                       Spring Break

Monday, March 27                            School Resumes

Thursday, March 30                          Joint Choir rehearsal for Palm Sunday 6:30-6:50

Sunday, April 2                                 Jr. Choir Sings

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and ask.