How is it possible that we are already halfway through September?! Before we know it, it will be Christmas!
Next Monday is our field trip to River Rendezvous. Please remember that this is an outdoor, rain, or shine event. Please check the weather report before sending your child to school so that they have the appropriate clothing for hot, cold, sun, or rain. Clothing should be easy to move in, and kids will be sitting on the ground. Tennis shoes are preferred. They will also need a cold lunch that is clearly labeled and a water bottle to drink from throughout the day. Finally, please have your child wear their black, Trinity shirt.
Next week the fourth graders will have a math test on Tuesday, and the third-graders will have a math test on Friday. Additionally, the students will have the usual spelling test on Friday.
Here are some important dates for your calendar.
Monday, September 16 River Rendez Vous
Wednesday, September 18 Picture Day
Sunday, September 22 K-8 Sings
Friday, October 4 Cross Country at MVL
Saturday, October 5 Cross Country at St. Croix
Sunday, October 6 3-5 Sing
3-4 Serves Coffee Hour
October 7-16 NWEA Map Testing
October 17, 18 No School- Teachers’ Conference
Tuesday, October 22 Picture Retakes
Saturday, October 26 Harvest Festival