This week we saw some more normal winter temperatures and wind speeds for Minnesota. Please make sure your child has a hat and gloves every day for recess so that they can fully enjoy their time outside.
This next week the students will have several tests. On Wednesday, the third-graders will have a math test. Then on Thursday, there will be a Social Studies test for all students. Don’t forget; you have flashcards to help your child study those vocabulary words. Then, on Friday, there will be a math test for the fourth-graders, an English test for all students, and the usual Spelling test.
How is your child doing on reaching their AR goal? So far, three students have achieved their goal, and one other student is closing in on theirs. Please make sure you keep encouraging your child to read at home and to make sure to have their library books at school each day.
Here are some important dates for your calendar.
Friday, January 22 Report cards go home
Hot Lunch forms due
February 8-19 NWEA MAP Testing
Friday, February 5 Book orders due
Monday, February 15 No School
Friday, February 26 No School