Week of May 17-21

This next week we will continue our Spring session of NWEA MAP testing.  Please help your child do their best by ensuring they are getting enough sleep (at least 9-10 hours), a healthy breakfast, and encouraging them to take their time and try their best.

In addition to the NWEA MAP tests, the third-graders will have a math test on Tuesday, and the fourth-graders will have a math test on Thursday.  Also, the usual spelling test will be on Friday. 

If all students are present today, I would like to record the classroom skit.  If not today, then I will try to do it tomorrow, Friday.

Here are some important dates for your calendar.

May 10-21                                           NWEA Spring Testing

Tuesday, May 25                               Field Day @ Trinity

Thursday, May 27                             Last Day of School (noon dismissal)