Next week is an exciting week for the students. It is our first field trip of the year! Please remember to send them a cold lunch, a water bottle, suitable footwear for being outside and active, and to dress for the weather. Please see your child’s home folder for more information about the upcoming field trip.
Earlier this week, a permission slip went home with the 5th-graders. If you have not returned his slip yet, please do so by the end of the week.
This coming week the fourth graders will have a math test on Tuesday. On Friday, the fifth graders will have their next math test, and all the students will have the Unit 3 spelling test.
We are now halfway through September. How is your child doing on reaching their A.R. goals? Fourth graders need to earn four points, and fifth graders need to earn five points each month. So far, five students have earned their points, and another four students are on their way.
Here are some important dates for your calendar.
Wednesday, September 21 River Rendezvous
Wednesday, September 28 Outdoor Ed (5th-Grade)
Sunday, October 2 All School Song @ 9 a.m.
October 10-12 Wolf Ridge (5th Grade)
Saturday, October 15 Harvest Festival 3-6 p.m.
October 20-21 No School (MEA)
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and ask.