January 23-27

 Hopefully, you received your child’s report card last night.   If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Also, please remove the contents of the envelope, sign it and return the envelope to school as soon as possible so that it can be used in future quarters.

NWEA testing will continue into next week. Remember, the best way you can prepare your child for this is no different than any other school day. Make sure they get a whole night’s rest, eat a nutritious breakfast, and encourage them to use all of their God-given abilities.

Next week, the fourth graders will have an English and math test on Monday. Then, on Friday, the students will have the usual spelling test and a fifth-grade math test.

Hot lunch orders for February are due tomorrow, Friday!

We are over halfway through January already! How is your child doing on reaching their A.R. goal?

Next Wednesday is the school field trip to the MN Orchestra. Please make sure your child has returned their permission slip. Also, since this is a fine arts performance, we ask that the student show respect for the musicians and their craft by dressing similarly to how they would dress for church.

Please note that our classroom will sing in church on Sunday, January 29. Our song will be sung at the end of the service. I would love to see as many of our students singing his praises at that service as possible.

Here are some important dates for your calendar.

Thursday, January 19                      Christmas program at Kingsway

Friday, January 20                            Hot Lunch Orders Due

Wednesday, January 25                   MN Orchestra Field Trip

Sunday, January 29                          Classroom Sings in Church

Friday, February 17                          No school

Friday, February 24                          No School

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and ask.